Happy Birthday, Indonesia!

well.. technically, today is the 69th anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence Day. independence from Japan, Britain, Netherland, Portugal, and Spain. these are the kingdoms which ever stood on the land of Indonesia, arranged from the most recent. but honestly, I have lost all my confidence for Indonesia. too many bad things have happened and still happening. even if the people want to change anything, the government is not supportive at all. you know, corrupted government everywhere. so all I can do is congratulating the anniversary and move on my own. sounds selfish? probably. but since there is nothing I can do, this is the best option.

Four Years of Blogging with WordPress

I don’t realize that this blog is already four years old! Thanks to WordPress’ notification on Android app, I now getting aware of the importance of this blog (and the other one) to my life. This is the place where I can talk about anything without any layer of secret. I can be totally honest with all of you. And IMHO, it’s a luxury to have such benefit where all others are using a mask of disguise to cover the real them.
So, thank you for all dear friends from anywhere you are, for always support me by visiting this absurd blog. I promise I will post more frequently so I can show you the joys and sorrows (mostly joys, of course) of using Linux and a little part of my world, for I have a dedicated personal blog to share my world.
So, once again, THANK YOU!

Posted from WordPress for Android