Configuring VMPK on Ubuntu

Well.. I’m messing around instead of doing review. But it’s due to the fact that I haven’t watched the latest episode of Kamen Rider Drive (Bima – X review will follow). So here I am. Messing around with new toy : audio processing. Still looking about how to make music without recording. I mean, all by using virtual instruments.

[Updated] Geny Motion Error on Manjaro

well.. bad luck indeed. the kernel update which supposed to fix problems brought even more problem, at least to me. the virtual box no more work. that means I can no longer play around with Geny Motion. I tried to reinstall the virtual box with no avail. I mean, the process had no effect at all. so my only option seems to delete the virtual Nexus 7 and reinstall it. but I really don’t want go reinstall everything from scratch, you know. I’ll look for other options. if all fail, then the reinstallation is inevitable.
I’ll update this post when I find the workaround.

Update : few days ago, Geny Motion got an update to version 2.2.2. but unfortunately the server for Linux version seemed down or something. I couldn’t get the installer for Ubuntu from the official site. guess I’ll have to wait for a while before I can get it right. Too bad I already installed many softwares on it.

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