The Argument of GNU slash Linux Vs Linux

Well, today I found a friend arguing about the basic stuff. Namely the difference between GNU/Linux and simply Linux. Apparently, call it simply GNU Linux also won’t make it because Stallman insists on calling it GNU <slash> Linux, emphasizing on the slash.

Well, I didn’t really want to join the argument for it’s just too stupid of a thing to be argued in. But I decided to take the bait anyway.

My point is he isn’t exactly wrong to say that it’s GNU/Linux because the Linux distributions are mainly created from Linux kernel plus supporting softwares that has GNU license. But he’s also not really right because nowadays the Linux kernel also uses some softwares that isn’t GNU GPL licensed and proprietary drivers (mainly for the graphics card, or GPU (Graphic Processing Unit), for a better term). Many distributions also contain proprietary softwares as well like Steam client, WPS Office Suite, Google Chrome, etc.

Users usually also go further by installing more proprietary softwares themselves. So the term Linux (distribution or Linux OS) actually more sensible than the insistent terminology that is GNU/Linux.

But be it. Let him be ignorant. It’s not my problem. Also, I’m not going to be the different but the same from Stallman by forcing others to call it just Linux instead whatever they want.

As for my stand, actually I believe that arguing over that kind of thing, be it GNU/Linux vs Linux, cracking using certain distro, Free Software Vs Open Source, Free Software Vs proprietary, or worst still, best distro evaaa(!) is simply stupid. Newbies might argue over those kinds of things. But old timers would simply use what’s available.

I myself would happily use Ms. Windows or even MacOS or other softwares, provided that I can use it for free with no charge and no responsibility whatsoever. I use Linux simply because it’s what’s available for my need. Not for any other reasons.