
Well.. since my freelance career is not making any progress (i.e. no client at all), I decided to do something else, which I’ve never really consider before. Selling microstock. So, what is microstock? Microstock is kind of stock image (Getty Image, Shutter Stock, etc). Usually, photographs, Here’s an example of stock photo (courtesy of aidsresearch.org)


But I don’t play here. My playground is vector images. I had quite a bad time just trying to submit the stock vectors. The agencies demand eps files and jpeg preview while I use Inkscape. Inkscape exports only to png (which actually has better quality), and saves natively to svg (the de jure standard for vector use in web, stated by W3 Consortium). So I spent so much time just to convert my hi-res png’s (some files scale up to 1080p) and svg’s to low-res jpeg’s and eps’s respectively. And yet, after all of those time-consuming efforts, I still don’t know whether my vectors are to be accepted or not.

Well.. I can only polish my skills. And let God do the rest.